Before I start today’s blog, I just want to take a few moments to remember 11 years back. I have a really foggy memory of this day because I was only in 6th grade and didn’t really understand what was going on. It still baffles me to think that something so tragic happened to our great nation. While the pain and sadness of that day cannot be erased, the memories of those lost will not be forgotten. Thank you, as well, to all those men and women who served and will continue to serve.
I’ve never been the person to understand political issues or get involved in much of the debates, but even though that may be the case, it doesn’t negate the fact that 9-11 affected me. To suffer such a loss is absolutely beyond me and I can barely describe it in words.
About a year ago, I rented a movie titled “Remember Me. ” I rented this for the sole fact that it had Edward Cullen in it, or Robert Pattinson, but by the end of the movie, it left me feeling completely shocked and quite saddened, remembering 9-11. If you haven’t seen this movie, I’m about to ruin the ending for you. And, since it has been a while since I’ve actually seen the movie, it’s hard to remember exactly what it was about. The ending replays in my mind though. I copied this summary from
Tyler Hawkins, a rebellious, artistic New York student, was estranged from his father, ever-absent tycoon Charles Hawkins, since the suicide of his beloved elder brother Mark, and desperately wants paternal attention for his kid sister, nerdy Caroline, who doesn't fit in her school for the artistically gifted. Ever-provocative Tyler and his college roommate, party animal Aidan Hall, are roughed up at a street fight and wrongly jailed by beastly NYPD detective sergeant Neil Craig. When Aidan discovers Craig's daughter Alyssa 'ally' is a fellow student, he dares smooth Tyler to ask her out, but the two become lovers, also bonding over her own home rebellion. Yet just when things seem to work out, fate strikes, in the end crushingly
During the last few minutes of the movie, Tyler, his dad, and his sister had plans to go somewhere as a family. Something happens that delays his father and they don’t meet up as planned. So, Tyler goes to his father’s place of employment, walks around his office just waiting for him to show. His father had already left by that time and they are kind of wondering what happened to the plan. The scene shoots to Tyler looking out the window and seeing one of the Twin Towers getting hit. We realize at this point that it is September 11th in the movie and he’s in the other tower that goes down just a few moments later. His girlfriend, Ally, knew where he was, and was trying to reach him as she watched the live footage of the towers on her television.
As this point in the movie, I was left stunned and just couldn’t contain my tears. Thankfully, I was watching it alone and could properly let the emotions I was experiencing flow freely. In that moment, it brought everything to my perspective. To see what it might have been like for people on that day, to hear the horror in people’s voices, to imagine how hard a person could cry and shout out in pain because they lost someone. It reminds me of one of those movies that all of a sudden goes silent when the character is experiencing a gut-wrenching moment like that. They probably do this for people like me who, if heard that, would absolutely lose it.
So, on this day, I have decided to take a break from the usual workout talk. This is a day that we remember and will always remember. To God be the glory that we have made it through, even when it seemed impossible.
Signing Out,
We Remember

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