So, today was an interesting day with P90X. It’s the first time that I was seriously thinking about not doing the workout for today and just adding it to tomorrow’s. When I got home from Audit at 7:00am, I decided that I would only sleep for about 4.5 hours. Well, when 11:30am arrived, I got up and bam! It hit me!! Earthquake headache!! So, seeing as I was NOT about to try Plyometrics while experiencing an earthquake, I went to bed for another few hours.
Well, a few hours went by and I still had this horrible headache. I asked PJ to get me some ibuprofen (he was already up) and was hoping that by 3:00pm, the headache would be gone and I could do my workout. It wasn’t gone by 3!! So, I opted to sleep until it was. I woke up at 4:25pm (last week did something to my sleeping pattern, really!) I got up slowly and felt a slight twinge in my head like something was about to hit me like a ton of bricks.
I told PJ that I wasn’t feeling good but that I was going to get up and do my workout anyway. He made me smile by telling me “Do your best and forget the rest.” <<this is basically the motto of P90X. So, I grabbed my chair, got my water, got dressed in my workout gear and hesitantly pressed “play.”
As mentioned above, today was Plyometrics, or jump training. I modified a lot more than last week because I didn’t want anything to set off another headache. Luckily, throughout the entire hour, it didn’t even feel like a headache was coming on. I think I eased up just enough today so as to avoid it. By the end of the workout, I was still pretty sweaty and very glad that I pressed forward.
While working out with a headache is no fun task, a lot of times I’ve found that when it feels like I’m going to get a headache, deciding to do my workout kind of “scares it away,” in a sense. But then again, I’m more in tune with my body than I am with any body else’s and it’s really a decision that needs to be made by you. If you honestly feel like taking a day off is best, then by all means, take a day off. No need to go past your limit. Do what works for you and don’t feel guilty about your decision.
Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!
I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday when I weighed in. Only 39 more pounds! 39 more pounds!! Can you believe it!! Your work is paying off and you see the goal straight out in front of you. Hard work really does pay off and I am a living testimony!! I just can’t believe that I used to weigh 236 pounds and am only 39 pounds from reaching 130. It blows my mind every time I think about it. Wow!
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