Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proud of Week 3

Alas, week 3 is over!! Time to get ready for Week 4!
I am extremely happy to say that week 3 was a success. Who cares about the numbers, I was able to go through the entire week without an ounce of immobilizing pain and my workouts were a lot more consistent.
As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I do have some pain though, all because of sore muscles. Today is the same story except my whole body aches. (:D)  My calves hurt especially. I was wearing some really high heels today for church and once I slipped my feet out of them, pain shot up both calves! It hurt, but it felt good at the same time. :/ lol
Speaking of church, today’s message was great! Our pastor was talking about how lots of people like to spend hours upon hours looking at their family history, searching for who their ancestors were and where they came from, etc. on places like, in newspaper articles and the like. Some people even search for this type of information to see if they are somehow tied to famous people or people who made a difference in the world. (To be honest, I had never even thought about this subject before.) But, if we are born-again believers, we need not look far because we can find our spiritual family tree right in our Bible; we are kin to The One who made a difference: Jesus!
 Doctor Cody was also talking about how people (with an unrenewed mind) tend to say things like “depression runs in my family,” or “diabetes runs in my family,” or “obesity runs in my family,” etc. (that last one is a cop-out, I think) Anyway, when it comes to my lineage, I have two family trees, so to speak. I have the “Adam Family Tree” and the “Jesus Family Tree.” The “AFT” deals with man. My mom is Gretchen Hedrich, my dad is David Sehorn, my grandmas are Paula Flandermeyer and Sharon Sehorn and so forth. That is my Adam-based family tree. My “JFT” consists of Jesus and me (primarily). I have a relationship with Jesus, therefore, he is part of my “family.” He dwells within me therefore He is always with me.
“Depression runs in my family” could be a “true” statement to your AFT, but in your JFT, it most certainly is not!! If you are a born-again believer, you have the power and the right to cast away the negative “runs in my family” stuff because Jesus is in you! He died and rose for you to be healed, saved and whole!  
I said all of that to say that because Jesus is within me and because I am part of His family, I know that I have the strength to see my goal to completion. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and this is not an exception. God loves me and cares about me and cares about what I care about (the same goes for you too!) He wants to give me the desires of my heart and one of my desires is to be fit; therefore, He is going to help me as I call upon Him.
Before I close this up, let me first tell you a little about the workout today. I set my alarm to 8:00am, woke up and was ready to go! I wanted to sleep a little bit more though so I set my alarm to 8:15am. In a half-daze, I woke up at 8:15am, shut off my alarm and apparently went back to sleep. (ahg!) Woke up startled because I thought I had missed my opportunity to get my workout in before church. (Ahg!) Luckily, it was 8:27am and 8:30am was actually the latest that I needed to get up before it’d be too late. (Yay!) So, I got up, got ready and turned on Kenpo X (even though this is my least favorite workout.)
A few minutes in, I was telling myself that it wasn’t all that bad. The warm-up is my least favorite because it takes about 10 minutes and it’s really slow. This time, my aching muscles really enjoyed the time to stretch because it made me feel a lot better! Today wasn’t bad at all and call me crazy, but I really think my arms are getting more beefed! The definition on top seems to be more evident even though the bottom is still pretty squishy. (:/)
Last thing, I promise. WARM FUZZY TIME! I haven’t told you about one of these in a while now so I think it’s about time. With Kenpo X, there’s a move where you Jab with your left side, then Cross Jab with your right side. Then, you jump and Jab with the right and Cross Jab with your left. You jump every time you do it and I’ve always had a problem with the jumping-switching feet part. I never seemed to have enough energy or ability to do it. Today, I was able to do it!! No problem at all!! Yay!
Ok, I’m done, lol. Be blessed!!
Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!
^^Kind of wrong...but oh so true! ^^

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