Friday, September 7, 2012

Mind: "NO!!!" Body: "Yes!"

I know, I know, it’s late…or early, whatever you want to call it (2:00 am to be exact). And, because of a glorious nap that I had earlier in the day, I am now finding it quite difficult to go to sleep. So, I shall blog.
Let me tell you a little about this nap. It’s kind of a funny story really.

So, PJ and I had a meeting today at 10:30am And, if you’ve been keeping up with recent posts, you know that I’ve had a little bit of a problem waking up past 3:00pm. Well, crazy me was actually planning to get up at 7:45am to do the one hour and thirty minutes of Yoga. BUT, after falling asleep at about 12:00am the night before and then waking up around 3:00am because of the Netflix that PJ was still watching, I ended up getting to sleep again at about 4:15am. Needless to say, I wasn’t planning to wake up at 7:45am anymore. So, I reset my alarm to 9:30am.

Upon waking up, I showered, we went to our meeting, and then went to Aldi for some fruit that I’ve been craving. Another 15-20 minutes was taken up because of a little “run in” and then it was Wal-mart and then home, finally.  I decided that once we got home, I was going to do my Yoga for the day.

By the way, if today was a day that I didn’t want to do my workout, it was definitely today!! I’m not even kidding you. I did not want to do it!! So many other things sounded SO much better. I wanted to clean, I wanted to make some artwork for our bedroom, I really, honestly did not want to work out today! And, if I wasn’t so honest with my blog and myself, I could have skipped it and not have had to tell anybody. But, like I said, I decided to do it. I pushed that “play” button and started yoga almost as soon as we got back from the morning’s adventures.

This was actually an interesting workout. PJ was watching me do it! He was preparing his lunch before he had to go to work and then planted his kiester on the couch right in front of my Downward Dogs and Runner’s Poses. (lol) I was even doing the triangle pose and he decided to fake kick me in the stomach to see if I would remain calm and not lose focus or balance. I didn’t flinch at all :D Once he left, I continued and at the end of the first half, I was so exhausted! My muscles ached and all I wanted to do was quit. But, I pressed forward!! Will Power, how strong thou art!!

Then, the Plough to Shoulder move came and I was so exhausted that I did these moves hurriedly and actually fell out of Shoulder stance. (Not a good idea!!) My back started to hurt and I felt like such a complete idiot for losing my balance in the first place. After that, I was only able to do about 5 more minutes of yoga when I just had to stop the video, stretch and lie down. Not because I was tired (I was though) but because pain was shooting up and down my back. I’ve learned that back pain is made better by resting, so I had to stop 15 minutes before the end of the video and focus on making sure that my back was going to be ok.

Also, by this time, I was mighty hungry. My lunch consisted of a sandwich, a banana, a spoonful of peanut butter, a protein shake, and a cup of water. Once that was all gone, I tried to finish Iron Man 2 and not even 30 minutes later, I was out like a light!! It was fabulous!! I woke up a few times with my braid around my neck, haha. I’m gonna have to cut that thing off soon!!

At 5:10pm, I woke up and started to get things done. I learned that a queen size mattress, box spring and frame without wheels is nearly impossible to move by yourself!! I was able to move it though with minimal bruising. I also learned that trying to shut the middle of the laundry room door with your elbow/arm fat is NOT a good idea!! I got pinched so hard that I screamed (not a high pitched scream, but one of those” omgsh, that really stinking hurts” screams!!) I got a pretty whelp and bruise from that too…(ask me and I’ll show you!! :D)

Forgive the fact that I’ve actually taken a day to write about a bunch of things not pertaining to exercise. Lol. To get back on track though, if I had to sum this post up, I’d say that even if every fiber of your being has the deep desire NOT to workout, just do it! Just push that “play” button and do it. It kinda stinks that I’m not even done with Week 2 and have had so many “I don’t want to work out days” but that doesn’t meant that I’m going to give up. Stay strong and just do it.

Peace out homies!!

Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!

Shout out to Melissa K. She's been doing P90X for one week now and has lost 6 pounds!! Way to go girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks :) this post was exactly what I needed. I've been unusualy tired and last night I did skip workout to go to bed early. Now i have two to do today so I don't think I've gained much rest haha. :)i next timr i'll just hit olay and do it
