Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 23: Shaun T, You Lied to Me!!

Today was the sweat fest exercise known as Cardio Power and Resistance. I say sweat fest because this is definitely the sweatiest session I have yet to see with the Insanity workouts. I love it though! It’s very fulfilling to know that you are working out so hard and so much that you are drenched! It’s also kinda gross and sticky, but hey, that washes off.

So, I’ve gotten over the bummed feeling of the Weigh Day on Monday and I’ve decided that I will just weigh myself ever few days. This will help me out more than looking at Simon once every week because I will see which way the scale is going as opposed to just hoping and praying that it will be less than the previous number I saw. If I have a bad day also, I can look at the scale the next day and determine what changes I need to make in order to get a better result come the next Weigh Day. I think this will work a lot better and I won’t feel so defeated next week.

Oh yeah, about the title to Day 23. In Cardio Power and Resistance near the end of the video, Shaun T always says “this is the last one.” So, you get real amped up and do the last set…only to be surprised by “get up, you have one more to go.” (He says “get up” because people are literally on the floor at this point.) They get up and both you and they do squats and push ups until it’s time for the cool down. I always believe Shaun T whenever he says “this is the last one.” Lol!

For those of you who have recently started a weight loss journey, how are you doing? I’d love to hear some feedback and what works best and not so best for you when it comes to working out and eating better.

Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!

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