Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 21: Week 3 Down!! I’m Noticing Some Changes!!

Week 3 is complete and Weigh Day #3 is tomorrow! And, just in case you are wondering, I’ve been purposefully skimpy with my posts as of late because I’ve been trying to think of something to write about other than the fact that working out and losing weight is mental. I’m trying to search out different angles so that my readers (however many there are) don’t get bored.
I guess today seems like a good time to tell you that even though I’ve only been doing insanity for three weeks, I am seeing vast improvements since Day 1. I was doing Cardio Power and Resistance on Friday and in that video, we have to do a move called the Power Jump. This is where you squat down with your hands out over your knees and jump up so and hit/touch your knees as they come up too. You land in the same squat position as you started with and continue doing that until you are plum wore out or until the 30 seconds is over with. You do these as fast as you can.
The first week that I did these, my knees barely went up and I couldn’t do more than a few without feeling like I was going to keel over. Friday, however, I noticed that I could jump higher, land smoother and do more without feeling so worn out. I probably did three times as many as the first day!!
If you remember from two week ago, the first time I did V Push Ups (which was also in Cardio Power and Resistance) I wanted to cry because they hurt so much (and I was huffing and puffing from the Power Jumps)! Friday, I was doing the V Push Ups and again I wanted to cry!! Not because it hurt but because I could do them easier, faster, and I didn’t give up before the allotted time!
Another improvement that I noticed was that during the Suicides. (A move in which you quickly run side to side and touching the floor as you come down. This occurs within about a seven-foot range.) The first time we had to do those, I was slow. When I did it yesterday during Plyometric Cardio Circuit, I noticed that I was FASTER by a lot!! It even amazed me how fast I was moving!!
When it comes to In and Outs, I’ve also improved. In and Outs are when you put yourself in the plank position (like you are going to do push-ups) and hop your feet in between your arms and then out again to plank. While I can’t do a plank perfectly (my back always seems to arch!) I have been improving on the modified version of the In and Outs. I have more endurance and I can last the whole 30 seconds instead of wimping out after only 15 or so. This move also makes me sweat a ton. I think that’s why I’ve come to like it so much!!
I’m excited to see what happens over the next few weeks. I’m also excited to take pictures on Day 30 to see if anything has changed physically since Day 1. I’m also semi-excited to weigh in tomorrow…just because I haven’t touched that scale since last Monday.
Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!

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