Thursday, June 13, 2013

Be Nice to Everyone...

As promised in my last post, I am updating a lot sooner. Things have been going well, Paisley is a lot more active and I get to hear her sweet heartbeat on Monday. I am very excited to see how my little one is doing.

She is getting so big. I remember a few weeks ago when I would touch my tummy and I couldn’t feel much except what was already there before becoming pregnant. Now, there is a hard lump (my lovely lady “lump,” Paisley) and she likes to move around a lot! I feel her kick or move around at least every hour or two and then she tends to get really active when I want to go to sleep. Her kicks seem to be a lot more powerful when I want to settle down. Just last night, she went on a kicking rampage for a good while. Ya know, those kicks that make your tummy bulge out really quickly and then they are gone almost as soon as they happened. It’s amazing and I am so blessed to get to be this sweet little girl’s mommy. Both PJ and I are very excited to see what she will look like, as any excited expectant parents are, I’m sure.

Other times, she’s not as active as described above, but I can still feel her moving around. Those types of movements are really cool too especially since I’m trying to visualize what’s going on in there. The other day, she was moving around and I got this image of how it must be like for her. The image I got isn’t exactly plausible though, as PJ told me. LOL.

I imagine it to be like being placed in the middle of a big blanket that has been sewn up and filled with water. Obviously, to the average person who hasn’t spent their life in water, it’d be hard to do. Regardless, your space keeps getting smaller and smaller and you might not find one position to be the most comfortable…so, you move around causing almost every part of your body to the touch the blanket in some way, making it pooch out and in. I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to do this especially since I can’t even be in a bed with the bottom part of the blanket tucked in. But, since this is all Paisley knows, I can’t see that she minds it all that much.

In other news, PJ got a new job as a security guard for Whirlpool. Instead of having to do the laborious factory work that he dreaded, he gets to secure it. This is no doubt something that he wants to do and is therefore happy about. I’m happy for him as well because I know what working at a place you dread feels like. His first training day was today and he seemed to come home in good spirits about it. The other bonus about this job is that he will be able to attend Tae Kwon Do classes. He’s been talking about these for a while, even in Paducah, and I’m glad he is able to get a schedule that accompanies something he likes doing. (I also like the fact that he will be exercising. He doesn’t much care for monotonous workout routines, which I prefer, but would rather be doing something good for his body while having fun. A sedentary life is not fun either so I’m glad he will be able to do something specifically for him that he likes and can benefit from in more ways than one.)


On another topic, I have recently found out that people are very tactless when it comes to a pregnant lady. I’ve gotten hit with a few “word jabs” from people that don’t even know my situation. It’s almost ridiculous! It’s crazy how people think they have the right to give you advice when you are expecting (and working hard to create a human life.) Granted, some advice is necessary and very helpful, but when it attacks you in a personal way, it hurts. For instance, I was having a MAD craving the other day for thick, creamy soup with a bread bowl (or some type of breaded thing.) And, I couldn’t seem to shake it. It’s all I thought about and I was driving myself crazy because I was so hungry and torn between this craving and whether or not to have a third banana for the day. I decided that I was going to do whatever possible to satisfy this craving. So, I made some potato soup and cheddar drop biscuits. It took so long to make, the onions were burning my eyes and I almost had to close up shop because I got real dizzy in the process of cutting the potatoes. I forged on after taking a water break and then brought my chair into the kitchen just in case I needed to sit again. (For some reason, this is how I’ve had to cook while being pregnant. Perhaps the smell of food plus being on my feet makes me dizzy…I’m not sure.)

Anyway, this entire thing took a while but boy was it worth it! I sat down to my soup and biscuits and it was like heaven opened up. It was exactly what Paisley ordered and I think she loved it as much as I did. (She started bouncing around shortly after taking the first bite.)

I said all that to say that someone had the nerve to criticize what I was eating. How rude! Just because I ate unhealthy that time doesn’t mean that everything I put into my body is like that. I’m actually really good with what I eat. I start every day with two slices of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, fresh fruit of some sort (bananas, apples, or strawberries) and a big glass of milk, which totals to about 2/3 servings of dairy that I was told I needed. Later on in the day, I snack on probiotic yogurt, more fruit, vegetables and then usually close out the day with another whole wheat product of some sort. I drink at least 60-100 ounces of water and I sometimes treat myself to a glass of 100% fruit juice or a glass of chocolate milk. All in all, I’d say that I am much more conscious of what goes in my body than most people are and therefore, don’t deserve to have my diet scrutinized by anyone. Yes, there are days where the above doesn’t happen, but that’s no reason to put me under a microscope either. (I do get at least 60 ounces of water a day though, that’s something I do not miss.)

Another thing that I and I’m sure most pregnant women get advice about is exercise. For one thing, I had a feeling I was pregnant when I couldn’t exercise to my full capacity on February 6, 2013 . I was huffing and puffing for air and severely confused because I had been working out almost on a daily basis since January 2012. Why in the world would I not be able to finish that workout? Hmm…pregnant! I was basically told that I needed to work out by someone who needed to work out more than I did. It might have been different if the person who told me was pregnant also, in good shape and cared about what she ate…but that wasn’t the case AT ALL. I think people shouldn’t give work out advice unless they know something about it or have been working at losing weight/becoming healthier for a while. That being said, I know that I need to be doing something. I haven’t been doing much because of the fact that even walking up stairs takes my breath away for several minutes but I do need to incorporate something, whether it be lifting weights or taking leisurely strolls with PJ. ( I hate strolls…I really do…) [If anyone has any good and nice advice for how to incorporate more activity into my pregnant life, please let me know.]

Regardless, there are ways to say something to a pregnant lady (and any one, really) that don’t have to sound so hurtful. Why criticize or rudely instruct a person who is working day and night to create life anyway? If you’re hell bent on giving unwanted, rude, advice, do it to someone else. Chances are they aren’t in as an emotional state as a pregnant lady.

Bottom line, be nice and think about what you say…to pregnant ladies and to everyone.


Alright, well my library computer-internet time is dwindling and I really have to go to the bathroom. Paisley has been consistently jabbing at my bladder and I’m running out of “just a few more minutes and I’ll go,” time.

Until next time,

Momma Sherri

P.S. Remember, be nice to everyone!! (and, I would have added pictures, but facebook was acting dumb when I needed it not to be...the picture of the fantastic soup is on my facebook if you want to see how amazing it was :)

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