Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pain in The ABS!

I’d first like to address what I wrote about in my PS yesterday. Why I do some of the stuff that I do. Well, the thing that comes to mind immediately and the question that I get from my husband along with funny looks is “So, why are you eating bread at night now?”

The simple answer is: to increase fat loss. This was actually a brief topic stated in my most recent Coach Check In from my Beach Body Coach. Specifically, it states “Ban white carbs as Night: cut out bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes from your last meal of the day and substitute with steamed vegetables. It not only helps to keep the extra pounds off but it also improves the body’s elimination process.”

I decided to take that challenge because it was indeed, a challenge. My nighttime meal used to be VERY heavy on the rice or pasta and I figured it couldn’t hurt. I need more vegetables anyway.

Another question that I have gotten, well, more like a funny face, which also came from PJ, was when I turned down a glass of Diet 7-up. The funny thing about this was that I was the one who got really excited about it when we saw it in the store. (We had literally been ADDICTED to Sprite prior to our ‘new start’ this year and that seemed like a close second.) I’ve been working REALLY hard to get at least 2 liters of water in each day (8 cups, which is recommended) so I never ended up drinking it. Drinking 2 liters of water is still a huge challenge; it’d be even more of a challenge if I decided to try to squeeze that in as well. So far, I’ve been meeting my water requirement. I do want to get to the point where I can drink more. (And, by the way, when I first started upping my water intake, my restroom usage practically tripled. Since getting used to the amount though, I’ve noticed restroom usage a lot less! That is definitely a downfall to drinking more water at first, but once your body gets used to it, it’s all fine and dandy.)

So, I was sitting in church listening to Dr. Chris Cody, my pastor, when I felt this uncomfortable pain in my upper abdominals. I thought I was getting a tummy ache, so I ignored it (minor discomfort isn’t something to be alarmed about, at least with me.) I was still for a little while and the pain seemed to fade. But…

It got really cold in the sanctuary. (By the way, cold to me is hot to my husband, so it was probably a comfortable temperature to any normal human being.) I started moving around to get warm, took my coat off the back of my chair and covered up my legs with it, used the shawl-thingy (that I brought not because it matched my outfit but because I knew I’d probably get cold) and mummy wrapped my torso with that. It was still really cold and I could feel the air blowing across my face, moving my hair and making me even colder. I tried snuggling up to my husband (all during service, mind you) and I told him to “hold me.” He consented and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I basically tried to occupy his space. I noticed the pain again...

When service was over, it finally hit me…my abdominal muscles hurt because I did a new workout yesterday: Tummy Tuck, if you remember. That’s why I was and still am in pain. It’s a wondrous feeling and I keep contracting and relaxing my abs as I walk, sit, lie down, what have you to feel it again. Call me weird, but I like the pain that comes from a good workout! It’s painful, yes, but it makes me laugh and smile because I know my body is shaping itself into something a lot healthier. Do not be discouraged by the pain!!

As far as food consumption goes, today has been a challenge as well. I haven’t had any protein except for some peanut butter that I spread on some of the 35 calorie bread I told you about yesterday. It was delicious, but since I ate that at 2:45pm, that was all the bread I was to consume for the day. The rest of my food today will consist almost entirely of FRUIT! I love fruit, but I’m kind of yearning for some MEAT! I will definitely do better about this tomorrow! Since I wasn’t able to get the meat protein, I’ve been and will be dining on peanut butter, apples, bananas, strawberry yogurt, a fruit and nut bar, and either a little bag of peanuts or a protein shake when I get home. Fruit doesn’t typically contain many calories and that is why I am eating so much peanut butter. Like I said, I will do much better tomorrow.

Speaking of food, if you recall from yesterday, I ate almost 1800 calories, my goal for each day. But, when I got home last night, I felt like I was STARVING!!!!! At first, I was envisioning the white cheddar popcorn in the cupboard that hasn’t been opened even though we got it as a Christmas gift. My mouth was water and I was actually going to get up and make my way toward it. My mind stopped me though and told me to “Drink some water or just go to bed.” Seeing as I didn’t want to get up, I decided to go to bed.

Two hours later, I was still awake, for some horrible reason, when my husband came in to settle down for bed (around 3:45am…) I told him that I was SOO hungry and he did an awesome thing, “Go drink some water.” He could have told me to “Go fix something to eat,” but I am very thankful he didn’t because it allowed me to see that he supports me.  (Awww!!)

So, that’s all for now. Tomorrow is another day and the beginning of WEEK 2 of BBL! I’m excited to see Leandro again!!

Signing Out,

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