Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Little Something Out of the Ordinary

For some reason, I feel like compiling a few things in this one post. I will talk about what happened the last two days with BBL but I will also talk about a few things that have been on my mind. They relate to fitness, in some way or another, so it goes with the nature of this blog.

First things first though: BBL! Yesterday was a new workout called “Sculpt.” I woke up mentally preparing myself for something similar to High and Tight, one that shapes you by having you do leg moves with or without the bands. I was wrong though. I popped in the DVD and under “Equipment Needed,” saw “weights or resistance bands.” …What?! I didn’t remember reading about that. Luckily, I had 8lb. weights and some resistance bands from P90X. So, it wasn’t a huge problem but I knew that with the use of weights, you tend to feel it the next day.

As we started, I began to realize that the portion of my body that was going to feel it the next day was my arms. There are so many arm exercises that I’m pretty sure this is primarily an “arm video.” I really enjoyed it though, it was fun, the music was awesome, as usual, and the moves weren’t hard. It was a butt-kickin’ good time and one of my favorite workouts.

My favorite of all the moves was the one in which we had to stand with our legs apart a little wider than our shoulders. Place one hand behind your band and squat down and touch the floor. It sounds pretty basic, but with the addition of a weight, you definitely notice what it does for you. I’m excited for tomorrow’s Sculpt session.

One of the moves that I didn’t particularly care for was the one in which you lie on the floor with knees bent. With a weight, cross you arm over your body and have it rest on your chest. Support your neck with the other hand and move that side of your body up so that your shoulders don’t touch the floor. I can’t remember what muscle this was supposed to work because 8 pounds on your breast really hurts! I tried repositioning the weight but it was either going to end up right by my arm pit, if not inside of it, or in between the twin mountains. After a few minutes of painful maneuvering, I decided to do the move without the weight. It worked a lot better after that. :)

Today was Cardio Axe and High and Tight. I am so familiar with these videos that I’m actually starting to get better. I am in no way good enough to dance in public, but I didn’t do completely horrible. The music gets me every time! It makes me want to dance dance dance.

Well, it seems that I’ve “nut-shelled” the past two days. Time to move onto the other stuff.

One of the things that I have been thinking about the last few days is about my teeth. I especially think about this one particular thing while brushing and flossing. And, it’s not an “ah-ha!” moment, but still one that’s worth saying. Here it is:

While eating healthy is good for your body, it’s also good for your oral hygiene…
Like I said, I’ve pondered this before but it’s probably something most people don’t think about. If you eat junk all day, not only is it going to have an effect on your body and health, it also affects your oral hygiene! Oreos, pizza, chips, fried foods, etc. contain a lot of ingredients that hurt our teeth as well. It’s not enough that it makes our waistlines bigger but that stuff corrodes our teeth. This is made worse when people don’t take the proper care of their teeth, or regular brushing and flossing.

To be honest, I didn’t even used to floss until recently. I had a cleaning in early December and the dentist who examined my teeth told me that I had a “beautiful smile.” Naturally, I smiled and then he told me that I needed to floss more because I told him that I didn’t. He said something to me that day that really stuck: “You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep.” Well, I want to keep all of them; I want all of them to be healthy. So, I’ve been making the necessary changes I need to in order to not only eat foods that won’t damage my teeth but also to take care of these pearly whites. I do this by leaving the floss container on the counter (out of sight, out of mind) and it’s been helping tremendously!

Something else that I actually just started thinking about was fear. I’ve been watching a television series and they’ve been pinpointing fear: the fear of getting older, the fear of not wanting to disappoint your family, etc. In fact, in this series, one of the actors confronts the fear of eating blowfish, the fish that if not cooked properly, will kill you because of the poison contained within. (He didn’t actually fear that specific task, but rather the fear of trying new things.) Once he tried it and realized that he was alive, he took particular joy in eating the rest of the dish. This is an extreme case but it just goes to show you that once you confront your fear and step out and do the thing causing you to have these feelings, you’ll find out that your fear was just keeping you back.

In a different television series, fear is highlighted as well. However, “fear” turns out to be this little 5-inch troll that was making everyone scared with smoke and mirrors. Once the actors confronted this little guy, all they had to do was step on him and he was dead. Fear is very tiny but can make a HUGE impression on someone’s life. Likewise, the fear of actually having to workout and eat better could be holding people back from the body that they really want and the life that they desire.

I admit, eating better and having to change my mentality was scary at first. Would I succeed? Was this another thing that would fizzle out in two weeks? Am I actually capable of having the body I want? Once I confronted this fear and actually dove right in, I found out that eating better is so very simple! Of course, you have to get used to weighing and measuring your food, counting calories and making sure that you have what you need, but anything that is new just takes some getting used to. The same goes with exercise. Working out for the first, second and even third time filled my head full of fears. Yeah, I was starting strong, but would I finish strong too. Once you overcome the fear of failing by simply DOING, it becomes a natural thing and that fear is COMPLETELY eradicated!

By the way, in the New Testament of the Bible, there are 365 fear scriptures (Do not fear. Thout shalt not fear. Etc.) Funny how there are also 365 days of the year, or one for each day. God doesn’t want us living in fear and he certainly doesn’t want it to control and determine the outcome of our lives. Let’s make it a priority to face our fears head on.

I guess when I first started this post, it sounded like I had several things to talk about that were a little out of the ordinary. Lol. Hopefully something from the above mentioned topics helped in some way.

Until next time, fear not!

Signing Out,

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