Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Whipped By My Own Braid

Today was another “get out of bed late” days. I blame it on the fact that as soon as I get out of this place tomorrow at 7am, I have to come right back at 3pm, thus, ruining Wednesday for me completely. (More on that tomorrow.) I told my husband, as he tried to get me to wake up several times that I was getting prepared for tomorrow and trying to get as much sleep as I can. (Which really doesn’t make any sense because it’s not like I can harness the energy that I got today and apply it to tomorrow. I guess I gave that excuse so that he wouldn’t try to get me to wake up again. Lol, it worked.)

Anyway, I got up at 3pm, yes, I know, very late. (I seriously have to get a different schedule going for me.) PJ and I goofed around for about 45 minutes and then I got hard core serious about the workout that I have been dreading since deciding to do another round of P90X: Plyometrics. (BTW, we recently acquired a sparring gear set with a uniform in it. PJ held it up this evening and read the tag, “size 3, 170lbs.” Hmm, I thought, I don’t weight 170 yet, but I should try it on just because. I did and he took pictures of me. Then, he put his jiujitsu uniform on and it was a photo shoot!! We had so much fun for like I said, about 45 minutes and then it was back to business.)

I tried to tie my braid up (which later fell down, so I just said “whatever” and let it continuously hit me), got my chair, my water and prepared for pain. (If any workout makes your body hurt, it’s Plyometrics. It involves muscles almost entirely below the waist and you definitely feel it in the morning.) So, the warm-up began. No big deal, I got a nice glaze and was ready for TH to get all crazy on us.

In this workout, you do 3 exercises for 30 seconds each and then one for 60 seconds. Then, “repeato!!” as TH says. So, you repeat and then go on to a different set. The first set, and really all of the sets, weren’t bad. They hurt, oh yes, they hurt, but I was able to do them. (Yee!!) Just as a very brief overview, I’ll tell you about 3 of the moves we had to do…

1.)    Mary Katherines (picture and link below)

Now, these, I’m not very good at. I had to modify this move. It always gets a little too intense for me. Basically, you put your hands straight up in the air, lunge with your right leg, then jump into a left lunge. I step into the lunges because that’s all I can seem to handle. (Do your best and forget the rest.)<<This is the motto of P90X 

BTW, this move reminds me of the movie Superstar at 1:56 (The trailer made me blush cuz it’s kind of OUT THERE, so I advise you to just skip ahead :D)
.)    Frog Squats

I actually like these. They make me think my thighs are actually in better shape than they look. (which actually could be the case, I dunno.) Anyway, you get in a looooow squat, so low that it hurts.Then, you jump front 2x and back 2x. Do this for 30 seconds and your thighs will be screaming at you!! :D

3.)    Jump Knee Tucks

With the first round of P90X, I didn’t even attempt these. I was in no shape to even try to jump in the air and bring my knees up to my waist whilst in mid air. But, I decided to see what I could do today. Well, I wasn’t able to get my knees all the way to my waist, but I was able to get them up a lot farther than I thought I would be able to. I did this move in front of a mirror and as soon as I lose some more thigh weight, I think I’ll be able to do this with relatively no problem. (Once again, the warm fuzzies.)

The only problem with this move is that, for me, I “Hulk stomp” the ground with both feet because I haven’t mastered “jump like a cat,” as TH says. Either way, the force at which I was hitting the ground made my braid jump as well and then land with a “SLAP” on my back! Ouch! I managed to endure it, but it still hurt!

After the hour of Plyometrics was over, I felt a lot better about doing it again next week. I also ended up drinking 2 Liters of water and sweating like “pig” <<even though they don’t sweat. I’m pretty sure I will feel it tomorrow, but bring it on!!

I suppose that is it for today’s blog post. I’ve added some pictures of our photo shoot (to show that I’m not too serious), plus some of how much I sweat. Enjoy!!

Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!

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