Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 60: Here's a Thought...

So, I'm not sure if this is correct or not...but as I was doing some push ups today, I had a thought...

Perhaps the reason I'm not losing much weight from Insanity is because it's ALL cardio. I know that by doing cardio, you can lose weight...especially after seeing the results that some people have had...BUT!! Maybe my body needs more strength training with some cardio. I mean, obviously, I've been eating about the same amount of calories with both P90X and Insanity and I lost about 32 pounds with Tony Horton. Sean T is great, but I haven't lost much weight with him. I'm thinking I just need another dose of Tony.

With Tony comes strength training!! That means weights!! I'm excited about weighs because they help shape stuff. What I'm most excited to see shaped is my arms, thighs and stomach!! And, I believe that in the next 90 days (well, 93 to be exact) I will see those kinds of results. 

Not to mention, Insanity has been a little rough on me. I had to stop my workout early today because of some sharp pain I was experiencing in my back. I don't want another episode like I had two weeks ago and I really want to finish Insanity strong, so I skipped to the Cool Down and here I am now!! I don't recall having any kind of difficulty with P90X other than extremely sore muscles. (I'm excited for those in the NEAR future though.)

Funny thing, I didn't used to like muscle pain!! haha! I used to moan and groan after a day of physical exertion because my muscles would always hurt. Now, I relish the fact that my muscles will be hurting!! It means they are growing stronger!! And, I'm all for that!!

Anyway, I've also realized that with this post alone, I've used a lot of exclamation points. :D Can't help if I'm excited!!

So, that's it for today. I think I'm going to take it easy, catch up on my Big Brother 14, clean the house and try to put the finishing touches on my craft area. (See, I have a life outside of exercising :D)

Signing Out, 
It's Possible!!

For your viewing pleasure....
 5th Grade....don't make any wise cracks about the hair. When my hair is cut short, it decides to Fro!
 6th a new state...KY!! me chubsybunny
 7th Grade...I don't remember ever looking like face takes up 75% of the
 8th Grade...a little better...not a lot though :D
 9th Grade...High School!! 
 10th Grade...the first 2 high school pictures aren't so bad...ya know...I was in Band, I was exercising and stuff..
 11th Grade...still not that bad...
 Senior Year!! Not liking this photo!! I wish she (photographer) could have told me to push my arm against the tree branch so that it wouldn't look like my arm was so big!! lol
Me...last my messy craft area...I promise it doesn't look like this now...

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