Apparently, pregnancy makes you super sleepy throughout the day and wide awake in the morning. I took a 2 hour nap around 4:45 yesterday, woke up, ate because I felt like I was starving (another pregnancy symptom) and resumed packing. I said all that to say that I woke up around 8am today and am now bored after catching up on The Celebrity Apprentice and browsing through all the pictures on my computer. So, I decided to write a blog post after about 8.5 weeks. This was on purpose, yes, but I wasn’t doing it maliciously.

And, trying to blog about fitness when you feel like someone ran over you with a bulldozer (ok, maybe that’s not EXACTLY how I’ve felt these last few weeks, but you understand) is pretty impossible. I noticed a change in my body on February 6th when I was so out of breath trying to do the Brazil Butt Lift routine for that day. I think I actually documented that on my blog because, at that time, I didn’t know I was expecting. That was the day I was expecting something else. Needless to say, it didn’t arrive and I’m 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant as of today.
Before I bum you out with the knowledge that I haven’t done squat since Feb 6th, I do plan on getting back into the whole fitness thing. This time, though, it will be centered around pregnancy. I’m not supposed to do anything that I can’t carry on a conversation throughout. So, Insanity and P90x are saying goodbye for a while and it’s on to pregnancy yoga, walking and toning. I haven’t decided when I am going to begin because my husband and I are in the middle of a MAJOR move and I’m pretty much getting the exercise I don’t want by having to pack and move these boxes around. I’ve already packed up my 8 pound weights, but the other fitness stuff is still around. I might wait until the last few days to pack those so I can use them.

Now that you know all of this, I can get back to the most exciting part. I’m pregnant! It’s been tough having to keep this from everyone, but we did it and now that it’s out, it adds to the excitement! We weren’t even trying (or even planning for at least 2-5 years) but were pleasantly surprised after the initial shock and OMG wore off (which only lasted for about a day.) I figured something was up when I could smell a guests breath the morning of February 6th as I was getting ready to leave work. Later that night, I could also smell another person's breath a fair distance away. Not to be mean, but both smelled like rank garlic and while my uniform in the morning wasn’t slack enough to cover my nose, my hoodie I wore that night was and I DID!! Unfortunately, since being pregnant, I can smell rank garlic breath increasingly well and it is HORRIBLE!! It literally turns my stomach!
I’ve had a few issues since becoming pregnant, but nothing that has affected the baby. Poppy, his nickname because he was the size of a poppy seed when we found out, is doing well and growing fast. He is now about the size of a lime this week and will be even bigger in just a few days. It’s absolutely how miraculous this process is to witness!! I can’t feel him yet, but I’ve been told that if I press on my abdomen, he will move in response. So cute!
Some of the issues have included fainting (PJ caught me with no ill affect to me or baby, as stated above), I’ve visited and stayed a night in the hospital because of not being able to keep liquids down. (Only happened one day and hasn’t happened since) and inability to sleep. Thankfully though, the fainting and dehydration only happened once and my sleep pattern has resumed. I am most excited about the sleep, because it affects everything else! I’m healthy and though I do have occasional nausea, headaches, and the pain of my uterus growing, it’s really not all that bad when you think about what the end result is. I’m so excited!
Oh, before I leave you, I want to make mention that the move will be occurring May 1st. This works out almost perfectly because our lease is up April 12th. I no longer work for the Fairfield Inn due to unreliability (pregnancy) and some other things that my husband and I have discussed and he has a possibility of transferring his employment to Columbus, Ohio. So, like I said, we have peace that everything will work out. I’ve already called Ob/Gyn’s in the area, signed my release form for the doctor I am currently at, looked up churches to visit when we get there, called insurance companies about transferring, etc, etc. We must move fast, literally. We have a great start and enough momentum to continue going strong. Thankfully, I am almost out of the first trimester, going into the one with the increased energy and don’t have a significant enough bump yet for it to get in the way. The one bonus of moving while pregnant is that I don’t have to lift any of the heavy stuff. (*Fist Pump*) My job is to lift the light items and delegate where everything goes. I get to take breaks often and no one can tell me to stop being lazy…afterall, I’m making the baby and that’s hard work as it is. :D (For real though, I will help with as much as I physically can.)
Our first appointment in Marion, may even be the gender reveal appointment. So, that is definitely something to be excited for!!!
Until next time,
Mama Sherri
Im so happy for you guys!!!!!!