Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Intent to Catch Up Just Got Caught Up

I told you last night that I was going to do the Insanity workout this morning. Well…that didn't exactly happen the way I had planned. I woke up with a headache and headache + Insanity = no good. So, I slept for about an hour more and planned to do it after I got home from work.

Plan Successful! I just finished Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I can’t say, though, that my reunion with the hard core cardio was necessarily successful. I think I ran myself out during the warm up and was practically kaput throughout the rest. I went faster than I ever recall going when I first started and ended up getting one of those runner’s cramps in my belly.

If you were ever a fat kid made to run a mile in elementary school, you might know the feeling. It kind of feels like someone is stabbing you in the lower left gut. It always came whenever I started out too strong. Hmm. The dots connect! I guess I just pushed myself harder than I was supposed to. And, like my fat kid self in elementary school, didn't have much gas to finish the rest. (To finish that story, I ended up walking and finishing past the 20 minute mark.) Memories…ah, I’d really like to NOT relive those. Lol.

By the way, I wasn't the only fat kid walking the mile RUN. My friend was walking beside me. :D He was fat too. (I think that’s one of the reasons we were friends.)

Anyway, I just finished dining on a banana and still have my 2-cups of chocolate milk left to drink. Whoever though exercising was horrible never got chocolate milk as a recovery drink. ;) I kid you not though, my coach told me to drink it if I didn't have any other form of recovery drink. At first I felt super guilty, but now it’s almost like a luxury.

This one is going to be short too. Have a nice ni…morning. There are some silly pics below!!

Signing Out,
It’s Possible!!

 Collar Bones! So proud of these lil guys.
Right after my workout...I wish the camera would actually show you how red my face actually was!

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