Since that first sighting, I’ve seen more signs. Thankfully, I am not involved with people who are into that junk, at least not that I know it, but it is still unsettling that people in this community have such low hope. All I can do is pray.
I realize that I started this post off a little heavy. The light hearted things are coming…IN BABY NEWS!!
I go to the doctor’s tomorrow to take my glucose test. I’m actually kind of excited even though I’ve heard many bad things about it. Most of the bad things really only have to do with the taste of the liquid that I’ll be having to drink. If I can snap a picture of this “horrible goo,” I will. I also get to hear Paisley’s heartbeat again!! I love that sound!
I might also have to get a flu shot, which I am in no way excited for! I spoke to someone through my insurance company and she said it’s a good idea and recommended that pregnant women get the shot so she’d try to set me up with one through my doctor. Yippee! I’m hoping though that I’ve gotten so used to getting poked that it won’t be a big deal. (I still get nervous when it comes to needles whether or not I’ve gotten used to them though.) PJ is coming with me too, so maybe he’ll let me hold his hand. J
I went to the dentist yesterday. (This has something to do with baby because it’s also recommended that pregnant women see the dentist at least once throughout their pregnancy…which makes sense since you’re really actually supposed to see them every 6 months. Duh!) It was for a cleaning. I sat in the very “cold” waiting room for about an hour listening to some other patient get worked on. (I don’t advise building a dentist’s office in which waiting patients can hear what other’s are going through. All the dentist‘s offices I‘ve been to had a little bit of walk from the waiting room to the chair. Maybe it‘s a Marion thing.) I remember hearing one of the hygienists say “Believe me, I’ve seen teeth a lot worse than yours.”
When I did get seen (the hygienist didn’t see me on her list until the receptionist went back and told her that I’d been waiting) we mostly chatted about Miss Paisley. I have no problem with this because Paisley is a lot more interesting to talk about than I am! I don’t like talking about myself anyway. I’m not much of an attention hog, never have been. Anyway, she took one look at my mouth and said “You have some gingivitis, which is common in pregnant women, but this isn’t bad at all.” She then proceeded to scrape out every bit that she could with those little hooked tools, which hurt like you don’t even know what. It wasn’t horrible, but it was very painful. Thankfully though, she didn’t SHOVE the floss in between my teeth like Dr. Smith did in Paducah. (He’s located on Broadway, btw.) The entire experience was as gentle as it could have possibly been. I did walk away with a very sore mouth though. Oh yeah, and the dentist, who looked at my teeth for less than 5 minutes, said I didn’t have any cavities. :D (I’m very thankful for a nice smile, healthy teeth and that I didn’t have to get an extraction like the guy in front of me did :/ )
For the rest of the day after I got out of the dentist, I was wiped out. I hadn’t gotten ANY sleep the night before and of course, my mouth hurt. I decided to neglect the errands I was planning to do, came home, crashed for about 20 minutes and then dragged myself out of bed to go pick PJ up from work. He hadn’t been feeling well either. (We think he has a cold due to going back and forth from AC to outside at work. He’s been all sniffly, sneezy and slow lately. )
When we got home, I ate a bowl of soup (failed at trying to eat some soup-soaked bread), a cup of banana pudding, and a cup of Trix yogurt. After that, I crashed again for a few hours and even drooled on my pillow!! (I find this alarming because I haven’t done that in YEARS!!) The rest of the day involved me drinking water, eating the rest of the banana pudding, gnawing at some watermelon and swallowing rice. I did sleep well though. PJ and I went to bed at 11pm and I woke up around 10:30am.
I feel much better today and was able to eat my Peanut Butter Crunch cereal this morning with no problem!
Another thing about this trip that excites me is that I get to attend 2 FREE baby classes at the hospital that would otherwise cost me $60 a piece here in Marion. (I also get to swim in my mom’s swimming pool!!)
Well, I’m almost tapped out for information. The only thing I can think of to say is that I called the apartment complex that we’re waiting for and last week, they said we are 21 on the list, which could be a 2-month wait. Please be praying with me that we get in sooner because that will put us in the middle of September, putting me at about 37 weeks. We need time to set up for Paisley!!
Until next time,
Mama Sherri
Wow. You have so much planned. Im praying with you and PJ about the apartment issue. I really hope that you guys can get moved in and settled before Ms. P makes her wonderful arrival. So excited and happy for you both!
ReplyDeleteHi Sherri! I was hoping you would be able to answer my question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)