Monday, February 4, 2013

Life Lessons

Today began the 4th and final week of Brazil Butt Lift and the only things that I can actually tell a difference, appearance wise, is that I now have an ab line, my obliques look a little more defined, and the muscles in my arms seem to be more apparent. I don’t think my butt is getting smaller though…sigh. Never fear though, I feel great and I plan on continuing with at least another round, plus a round of Zumba.

Today was a little different than most days. I had to do the Sculpt workout, which is 50 minutes and the Cardio Axe workout, which is roughly 30 minutes. Everyday before today had been about an hour, so the extra half hour was a mental barrier for me. Inwardly, I was acting like a child who didn’t get their way, stomping their foot and crying out “it’s not fair.” But, once I got over the internal hysterics, I decided that it wasn’t really that bad and I easily transitioned from one to the other.

As far as food is concerned, I’ve been doing well with this whole 2000 calorie thing. Since switching from skim milk to whole milk, I get an extra 70 calories per cup and I don’t have to eat as much peanut butter. If I’m ever lacking by the end of the night, I’ll usually drink enough whole milk to balance the day out. It’s usually no more than one cup. Today, I have had 1997 calories!! I haven’t looked at the scale much either because I want to see the changes and know that my body is transforming rather than getting upset because the number hasn’t moved.

I have realized though that even though the treats during the holiday season are delicious, it’s really not worth it! I’m still trying to lose the weight that I had gained from being a slacker during that last month of 2012. This year, I can look back and tell myself that I need to be eating carrots instead of cookies. But, life is a constant lesson and I have definitely learned mine!

I hadn’t planned for this to be so short, but it looks like it’s going to be. Keep being encouraged and just try to make everyday better than the one before it.

Until Next Time,

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