Many of my blog followers know that I have been working toward a goal since the beginning of 2012. But, with the surprise pregnancy in early 2013, the idea of losing weight did not become a focus for me…and neither did staying in shape, apparently. The week of my missed period was the week that I pretty much stopped working out. (That was February 6th of 2013.) I assumed that since I couldn’t keep up with one workout, all workouts were going to end with the same result: me panting like a dog while guzzling liters of water. Of course, that first trimester wouldn’t have proved very beneficial for working out because I was almost in a constant state of dizziness. The dizziness worsened if I was on my feet. So, you see the issue.
Regardless of what happened, I can’t change it now. (Though I wish I could.) I should have stayed active, or at least as active as possible so that my progress wouldn’t have been completely shot. I gained every pound that I had lost plus about 10. I was at 170 when I found out I was pregnant and then I ballooned to 240. My baby was only 6 pounds and 7 ounces and though I had this amazing little girl, I was left pretty fat and pretty unhappy with the choices I had made. All in all, 8 months of not working out is not worth it.
Now, I must work my butt off, again, to get on track. My goal is still to get to 130 pounds but if I get to a point where I am satisfied with myself and healthy (health is key), I will work at maintaining that weight. I don’t know what 130 looks or feels like (except maybe when I was in 4th or 5th grade) so we shall see.
While I was pregnant, I told myself that I was going to start P90X again come the first of the year. That would give my body a few months to recuperate. I wasn’t able to start exactly at the first of the year because I was in Paducah and I didn’t have my equipment. In fact, I wasn’t able to start until the 12th of January because of snow/ice threat that didn’t really pan out, causing me to be in Paducah an extra week.
We got home late on Monday the 11th so I did my first workout on the 12th.and it has been almost 3 weeks. In addition to my morning workouts, I have recently incorporated a Tae Kwon Do class at least twice a week and then a 30-minute workout every night after I put Paisley to bed. Because I am nursing, my calorie count is 2200; nursing alone burns about 500 calories a day. They say that nursing helps you lose weight but I’m not convinced. :/
As far as my current weight is concerned, I am trying not to weigh myself too often. The last two weeks, I’ve done it daily and was either joyous or saddened to see the number because it fluctuates a lot! I chalk that up to the fact that I am constantly producing milk for my child and the weight of my milk at certain parts of the day can vary dramatically. (I swear, some days it feels like I have gallons!!) I was recently told to wait about 2 weeks before I weigh again so that is what I will be doing. I really hope I’m not disappointed.
By the way, last night, I did Cardio Axe from my Brazil Butt Lift program (I was feeling that this morning!) and I just finished Legs and Back about an hour ago. Tonight, I hope to go to another Tae Kwon Do class and then do Killer Abs with Jillian Michaels.
Let me know if you are doing something or eating differently to lose weight or get in shape, etc. I would like to know and would love to help support you as you go through your journey.
Until Next Time,
Momma Sherri
P.S. The bottom right picture is Paisley shortly after she was born. And the bottom left was taken a few days ago. She is 15 weeks old today.
Paisley Ann Pate
October 18, 2013 3:41 PM
6 pounds 7 ounces 20 inches long